Earth's Clay Store is now CLOSED. PLEASE SEE BLOG POST FOR FURTHER DETAILS. For more info on product availability you can email:

New Changes...Earth's Clay Store will be closing 2nd March 2024!

Hi clay, chalk and slate pencil family, 

I have some news for you...

With much prayer and thought, I will be closing Earth's Clay Store.

Almost 7 years, come this April, in running this business, it is now time for a change.

There are a few reasons for closing...

  • God's Plan is for us all to have life more abundantly. Being self employed is extremely demanding. My health has taken its toll. As a result of endless business dedication, my family has also suffered. More money truly does not buy us happiness.
  • The Holy Bible makes reference to the earth mourning (Isaiah 24:4, Jeremiah 4:28, Joel 1:10), the earth being cursed (Genesis 3:17), and finally, the whole creation groaning (Romans 8:22). Which made me wonder, if the earth is so 'sad', then what is happening to me when I consume it? In short, it is also making me sad. I considered my life up to this point. Depression runs in my family. I get depressed at times. Could eating chalks and clays be a contributing factor? Or even prolong my depressive state? Large quantities, yes. Small amounts every once in a while, no. Temperance is what is needed. For this reason, I can no longer be a huge seller, as I maybe adding to others being depressed and even addicted. 
  • We all can see that the world is changing. I believe time is speeding up because Jesus Christ coming is imminent. No buying and no selling (Revelation 13:17) is doable with digital currency, which many countries are on board to achieving. How will I be able to buy and sell if I keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus? (Revelation 14:12). Only those who have the mark of the beast will be able to buy and sell (Revelation 13:17). So, instead of not being prepared and having this selling platform blocked because of my beliefs, it's best to close it myself and start preparing my body, mind and soul, preparing myself physically, mentally and spiritually for Jesus' second coming.


SO, what's next you might be thinking? I have been looking at healthy eating for some time now. My diet has totally changed from what I was eating a year ago. So, with God's help, I plan on sharing my new way of eating. I may start selling some of my baked goods, as a healthy alternative to store bought items.


The main thing that is on my heart is letting all know of Jesus and what to expect in the last few years of earth before the coming of Jesus.

Many of you may have already received a free book with your order. However, there are books that need to be distributed to as many people as possible. So I will be doing what I can to get books distributed so people can know what is on the horizon.

I have set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help with purchasing the books: The Final Hope and The Great Controversy. In my spare time I have been handing out books door to door and recently in the local High Street. If you would like to support this cause, then please visit the GoFundMe site or see the link below.

Please feel free to check out these links:

Audio books in different languages. Also available in written form as PDF etc.

PDF book:

A wealth of books by Ellen White:

The GoFundMe - Sowing the Seed Mission:


The details of business closure:

  • Earth's Clay Store will cease trading as a business on 2nd March 2024.
  • The last ever shipping day will be Thursday 7th March 2024. Regular shipping every Thursday will continue up until this date.


Can you still order items after the business closes?

  • Yes you can, but there will be no selling platform. You would need to contact me directly:
  • The above email: will not work when the website is totally gone.
  • Alternatively, you can contact me via instagram @earthsclaystore I will still keep the instagram page for now.
  • As I will no longer have a business, I will not be purchasing anymore stock. So what you can order is whatever stock is remaining after the business closes.
  • If you are a new customer and/or you are wanting to try new items, I recommend that you take pictures of the website items, so that you have an idea of what you want to try, before the website is gone.


Thank you :)

Thank you for all of your custom and support over the years. It has been a pleasure to have provided quality products for you, to the best of my ability. I thank God for the opportunity to have had a business and all the many lives that have been touched. May He continue to use me to touch lives so people can have abundant lives in Jesus Christ.



One last thing...I have changed my name to Eve. Yes, lots of changes in 2024! In a few months this will be officially changed by Deed Poll. Eve means mother of all living and I certainly have new life in Jesus Christ.


YouTube channel

Speaking of new life in Jesus Christ...I have a YouTube channel called New life in Christ Jesus. Here I intend to share my new life in terms of different projects I will be taking part in, as well as, new things I am learning, God willing:


I will try and keep you updated (via instagram and the BLOG on the website) about what I'm up to with regards to healthy eating, sweet treats that do not cause us harm and spreading God's word through book distribution. I will still be sending out the small book Steps to Christ, which a number you have already received.


Here is the link for that book Steps to Christ, it can be read in different languages too, just press 'select language' at the top of the page. I pray you will be blessed by reading this book and that you will be able to taste and see that the Lord Jesus Christ is good :)

God Bless and happy munching and crunching - in moderation.

Love Eve xxx


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